Allie Ro Ceramics x The Sunday Collection


Did you study art or pottery, or how did you first get drawn towards making ceramics?

I was a fine arts minor in college and I took my first ceramics class my junior year. I really enjoyed it from the start and the following semester, I continued with ceramics classes. After I graduated, it was difficult to find a place that was fully equipped to do it all. I was searching online and found a place about 30 minutes from me where I could take pieces to get fired, so I said to myself, “why not try this out again?”. I bought a cheap wheel off Amazon, got my hands on some clay and glazes, and started creating from home! It’s only grown since then, I now have a bigger, nicer wheel, my own kiln, and a cute small studio space where I create from!

What was the first product you made to sell, or to share with someone? How did that feel!?

I think the very first thing was a mug! I’ve worked as a barista for 5 years now and I have always loved functional pottery, so it seemed obvious to me that I should try my hand at making coffee mugs

Creating things from scratch, especially functional things, just makes me so happy!

What’s your favorite part of the creation process?

That’s a hard one to answer. I think my favorite part is when I think of something I want to make, and it comes out exactly how I imagined it. Creating things from scratch, especially functional things, just makes me so happy!

How would you describe your style?

I’m not sure I’ve nailed down my style yet, but I’m pretty okay with that. It gives me more freedom to try things that might be outside of my comfort zone just to see what happens. I think in turn that will eventually lead me to what my style really is!


Creative ideas and motivation can come and go, do you have a process for getting energized and inspired to create, or any rituals that help you?

Honestly, the days I don’t feel like creating are some of the most important. If I force myself to sit down at my wheel and just throw random stuff, I’ll usually get a good idea for something I really want to make.

You mention that travel is a great inspiration source for your designs… how does that impact your work and where has been a favorite place to visit?

I think just trying to create something that gives me the same feeling I get when I travel somewhere super unique or beautiful is what I am for. As for a favorite place to visit, that’s super hard because I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to a lot of beautiful places! Within the United States, Montana and Utah have been some of my favorite places. As for foreign countries , Colombia is definitely at the top of my list.

Any dream destination you hope to visit soon?

Oh man…. I have so many places I want to visit, but Maine is definitely one that is most easily accessible to me right now!

Is your home filled with your own work? How do you decide what to keep and what to sell?

Yes, I have a ton of my own pieces in my house. A lot of times I keep things that aren’t perfect - could be a glaze defect or a small crack in the handle of a mug or something. I’ll sell those pieces at a discounted price as well, but if they’re too bad to sell I’ll usually keep them. 

Is there another artist you admire or enjoy following - whether ceramics or another medium?

Okay so I’ve really gotten into knitting this year, and New Wave Knitting on Instagram has been one of my favorites to follow! She posts a lot of tips and tricks and different knitting patterns and I think it’s super interesting.

3 things that would make it a perfect Sunday at home for you…

A slow morning drinking coffee with my boyfriend, walking with my doggies, and cooking a delicious meal.

Favorite place to eat or visit around Cleveland?

Xinji in Ohio City hands down. Ramen is my favorite food… next to ice cream.

Anything new coming for Allie Ro Ceramics we should look out for (whether a new product, collection, or anything else you want to share)?

I really want to get better at making teapots. They’re actually super difficult to make well, but I’m determined to keep trying until I get it right!

I think just trying to create something that gives me the same feeling I get when I travel somewhere super unique or beautiful is what I aim for.
— Allie

Learn more about Allie at

Follow her on Instagram at @allieroceramics